Like many cultures, New
Americans distinguish moral from immoral behavior through allegorical
existence. However, instead of a separate planes, like heaven or hell, they emphasize how the individual lives, his state of being. In essence, the
individual becomes one of three archetypes: the astronaut, the cowboy,
or the zombie. It is hard to say whether the states of being are
incentives for living morally, or merely a way to explain how the world
works. Through the story ceremony, individuals identify the archetype,
and often attach to one, revering it more than other. The individual
then aspires to become more like that archetype, changing his or her
behavior and outlook on life.
is speculated that an individual can 1) transcend into
the state of astronaut, 2) descend into the state of of a zombie, or 3)
continue living in the realm of the cowboy. However other scholars
speculate that the states of being are analogous to the Hindu states of
consciousness, where individuals reside in particular states of being
depending on their individual awareness and actions. This model suggests
astronauts as the enlightened, zombies as the unaware and ignorant, and
cowboys somewhere in between. Regardless of the believed purpose of
these archetypes, we see them appear not just in the story ceremony, but
in most all aspects of the society.
Before proceeding with the descriptions I would like to clarify several
points. The archetypes are just that, archetypes. Unlike a god, there is
no absolute set of rules that define each state. There is a generalized
belief that separates the three, but even then we see the roles
overlap, especially in the cowboy archetype. Similarly, typified realms
exist for each state, but they act as scenery and each state is found in
multiple realms within the mythology. That is, we usually see the
cowboy in the open landscape, but that does not exclude the possibility
of the cowboy in space. Finally, these archetypes are found cross
gendered, but for simplicity sake I will be using the pronoun ‘he’.
[This is not the final post on the archetypes. Eventually, I will explore the two archetypes more in depth and specifically. ]
The astronaut may be
the most revered archetype among American society. Key aspects of the archetype color the astronaut as self-contained,
alone, and existing within an infinite realm, yet aware of his
dependence on others and the importance of whole. Characterized by
innovation, initiative, and investigation, the astronaut contributes to
society from afar; physically or psychologically existing within an
infinite space. His discoveries reveal the unknown and unexplored, but
often with more questions than answers. Cognition and the constant need
to explore is the foremost concern to the astronaut.
seen as a representation of collective knowledge combined with
cooperation, ties itself with the astronaut archetype. An individual
transcends into the role of the astronaut through technology’s ability
to carry (physically or psychologically) him into the unknown. In
return, the astronaut sacrifices security in order to gain knowledge,
which he then passes to the whole again. Occasionally, the
astronaut himself creates the technology, negating the society’s
contribution to the individual. However, even in this case the astronaut
strives to better humanity or expand the wealth of knowledge through
his actions.
Isolation sets the
astronaut apart from typical society, signifying both transcendence and
solitude. Seclusion gives more credence and sanctity to his discoveries,
indicating them as more important than everyday findings. Solitude
implies the individual’s importance within the collective efforts of the
whole, rather than an ascetic’s self imposed exclusion from the whole.
In a sense the solitude is a way of lifting the individual up from the
masses, denoting the astronaut as a higher being. His actions,
therefore, influence everyday life directly or indirectly. Influential
actions the astronaut takes, however, must be selfless; to do otherwise
places the individual within the cowboy’s realm. The astronaut must
reside in a place between humility and bravado.
collective turns to the astronaut for revelations in order to better
understand the world. This never ending quest drives the
astronaut further into the unknown, sometimes to the brink of no return.
The astronaut must explore this unknown with the understanding that he
may lose his life or ties to the Earth. This is the most important
component of the archetype; knowledge before self. The astronaut has the
capability to sacrifice his individual needs to explore beyond the
current boundaries for the greater good.
the story ceremonies, we sometimes the astronaut’s resolve tested. He
must choose between further discovery or returning to Earth (the
collective whole). Abandoning Earth may seem like a selfish act, but we can liken the action the transcendence into a buddah. The astronaut’s bodily
possessions become irrelevant, and he completely gives himself to the
unknown. A parallel option has the astronaut sacrifice his pursuits in
order for Earth to survive. The second option, the act of returning to
Earth, also becomes a positive choice. The astronaut brings new, useful
knowledge back to the collective in order to bring a new era. This
options encourages a astronaut-oriented community that prospers and
lives peacefully. Some interpretations believe the returning astronaut
akin to the returning of Christ.
If society reveres the astronaut the most, they celebrate the cowboy most often. Part of cowboy's popularity derives from its broad definition. Essentially, the cowboy questions authority, follows his own morality, and controls his own destiny. The self always comes first and foremost, favoring self preservation over most anything else. His surroundings mix natural/chaotic and man-made/ordered elements to create a visual tension that he struggles with
and against at various times. He prefers the untamed and unexplored
because of its potential, but unlike the astronaut he must return to
civilization. Distinctly human obligations (family ties, addiction, sustenance, or legalities) bring
the cowboy back from the wilderness. In other words, the cowboy
struggles with what it is to be human and must balance between
expectations and natural inclination.
As the most variable archetype, the cowboy never conforms to a single
cannon, which plays up his chaotic aspects. His natural
instinct governs most of his actions, which strive for self preservation
and glorification as well as the propagation of his ideals. In a sense the cowboy exists in a purgatory state, where he can define himself as good, evil, or neutral. His actions determine where he lies on the morality, but they can fluctuate and adapt to his situation.Lawlessness emphasizes a need for personal morality over societal, which informs his questioning of authority. If he deems his surroundings as immoral to his own, he will fight to change this.
Unlike the astronaut, the cowboy exists only as an individual, unconnected to a group and unwilling to sacrifice for the greater good. Because of his individuality, the cowboy remains open-eyed his surroundings. The cowboy has the ability to recognize social disparities, mendacious intent, and other easily overlooked conduct around him. Whether or not he acts upon his observations depends on the particular cowboy.
If the cowboy chooses to act upon his surroundings because he disagrees with them, he incites chaos and fights for his beliefs. Alternatively, he can choose to leave and enter the chaos of the unknown landscape in order to create a new order. Deeming his actions good or bad depends on the particular situation and his intentions. Either way, the fight or flight options highlight the cowboy's instinctual nature.
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